Friday, February 21, 2020

Properties of Acetysalicylic Acid Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Properties of Acetysalicylic Acid - Lab Report Example But when both the blue and red –OH groups are replaced, the result is heroin. Morphine is considered as the gold standard of analgesics since it is effective in relieving pain. However, the excessive amount of morphine can depress the respiratory system. Morphine works by blocking receptor sites that signal pain to the brain. The key to morphine’s efficacy is its shape which fits into the cells. Moreover, morphine acts like natural painkillers such as endorphins. - as weak acids, alcohols and phenols dissociate to a slight extent in dilute aqueous solution y donating a proton to water, generating H3O + and alkoxide ion ( RO -) or a phenoxide ion ( A+0 - ) Warfarin is an anticoagulant, meaning, it acts as blood thinner like aspirin. However, warfarin is more potent and can even cause severe hemorrhaging. This is due to the fact that warfarin can decrease coagulation through inhibition of Vitamin K. It is synthetically derived from coumarin, which is extracted from plants such as licorice, lavender, and Woodruff. Warfarin is commonly used in rat pesticide. Once a cat ingests a mouse that ate warfarin-laced pesticide, the cat’s liver would fail and internal bleeding occurs immediately. However, warfarin has also therapeutic purposes especially in the prevention of thrombosis as well as an embolism. To measure: the pH of the aqueous phases is adjusted such that the predominant form of the compound is unionized. The logarithm of the ratio of the concentration of the un-ionized solute is the solvent called log P. The shake flask or tube method is the most classical method known by the chemist. The process is simple: the solute in question is slowly dissolved in a certain volume of octanol and H2O.  

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